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Q: What food taste like nuts but isn't nuts?
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They taste like nuts.

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Are fats energy stores found it nuts?

no it isnt

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Strawberries! and monkey nuts out of the enchanted hammack!!

Where can you find tiger nuts?

This isnt a game this is real life.

How do toucans get water?

it gets its food from the trees and bushes like berries and nuts and its water from ponds, lakes, springs, etc.

What do grasshoppers taste like?

A grasshopper tastes like chicken and has a little crunch to it.

How do grizzly bears get their food in the fall?

Yes,in the fall they get all kinds of food.they are nuts. Some are pine nuts ,beechnuts ,and other nuts on there favorite food list... I like pine nuts but there favorite is beechnuts!

What kinds of thing do squirrel like to do?

Nuts, acorns and food off a bird table.

Are insects edible?

Yes, people have been known to eat ants and grasshoppers but some even taste like other foods.Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.

Is honey an adjective?

It can be like if you were using it in this sentence:I like the taste of the honey nuts.-In this sentence the and honey are both adjectives.Honey is most often used as a noun like in this sentence:Honey is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers.-In this sentence honey is used as a noun.

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my nuts taste like cotton candy in the summer and in the winter like bluberry muffins