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Q: What food type does the body need most of?
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These are not manufactured by the body and need to be obtained by food or supplaments?

some type of pie

What is the average amount of food eaten by a person a day?

It depends on the type of person,how much food its body need.

What is the most common type of lipids found in food and the body?

fatty acids

Why shouldn't you eat 1 type of food only?

you shouldn't eat one type of food because you need to eat a healthy diet which contains the 7 food types and it contains everything that you need to keep your body healthy.

Which type of food is most beneificial?

Different types of food are beneficial for different parts of the body. Complete proteins are most beneficial for muscle power and good brain function. Complex carbohydrates provide fuel for the brain and body and are needed most by the body.

Which type of food can be stored as body fat?

Sugar and carbohydrates are stored as body fat. This is extra energy that the body doesn't need and so it is stored as fat.

How does healthy eating help a disease?

The body uses food as fuel and depending on which type of fuel you put in your body determines how your body will perform. Food contains vitamins that our bodies need in order to fight disease.

What information do you need to know to determine the domain to which an organism belongs?

You need to know their cell type, their ability to make food, and the number of cells in their body.

Does type B blood make a difference for weight loss?

The diet for blood type B, is the most varied. Since food reacts differently with each blood type, your blood type is going to determine how your body reacts with the food that you eat.

What type of body do you have to have to be a fashion model?

To be a model, you will need to have a thin body to be a fashion model. Most places require their models to be at least 5'8.

What type of food you need to take?

animal food