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Q: What foods are yellow and made with milk?
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Which foods are made in aluminium vessels?

boil milk,rice

Why is yellow coloring bad for you?

Only Gowda cheese made from Yak milk is yellow, its good for health

Is peanut butter considered dairy?

Dairy consists of foods made from milk. Peanut butter is not made of milk so no, it's not dairy.

What is the fourth precaution people can take to avoid listeriosis?

Avoid drinking unpasteurized milk or foods made from such milk.

A recipe for pumpkin pie without using cow milk?

substitute goat's milk or yogurt made from gaot's milk with your recipe (available at Whole Foods)

How do you make ice cream using other foods?

"Ice cream" type desserts can be made using many milk substitutes such as soy milk, almond milk and coconut milk.

Is cheese orange or yellow?

Cheese that is yellow or orange has had color added, either as an ingredient (e,g, annatto) or just a colorant. Cheese that has not had color added will be off-white or cream in color. This is because cheese is made from milk which is not orange or yellow.

What foods are made from goat?

you can buy goats meat goats milk goats cheese some people also put goats cheese and milk in cakes

What are the different type of nutrition food?

Nutritional foods are foods that are made up of nutrients that bodies need. Different types of nutritional foods are fish, milk, bread, fruit, vegetables, and nuts.

What foods are in the milk group?

The "Milk group" is commonly known as dairy products. This includes: Milk (Whole, 2%, Nonfat etc) Yogurt Cream Cheese Cream Cheese Cottage Cheese .... Basically anything made from milk :-)

Why are low-fat dairy products part of the MyPyramid plan?

All fluid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group.

What is the yellow stuff in a chocolate creme egg?

The yellow and the white filling in (for example) a Cadbury's creme egg is made of egg, cream, sugars and other additives (and, or course, the shell is made of milk chocolate).