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If you are really wondering what type and kinds of food that can lower your HDL cholesterol levels because your cholesterol is elevated, then I suggest you eat grapes.

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Q: What foods can lower my HDL cholesterol levels?
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What can patients do to change the levels of LDL and HDL in their blood?

If you want more HDL or LDL, eat more high-cholesterol foods and don't exercise. If you want less, then eat foods with less cholesterol and exercise. You may also take a statin drug to help lower your LDL. HDL = good cholesterol, by the way.

What are considered bad HDL cholesterol levels?

HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol and it actively removes bad cholesterol. HDL cholesterol levels greater than 60 milligrams is considered good but lower than 40 milligrams is considered bad.

What are foods that I can eat to increase my HDL cholesterol level?

There are many foods that raises HDL cholesterol in the body. Foods such as berries, eggs, kale juice, cocoa, and cranberry juice are reported to help raise HDL cholesterol.

There are many foods available to you that contain HDL and can help you lower your cholesterol?


What foods can help raise hdl cholesterol?

There are a few good and healthy foods that can aid in raising your HDL cholesterol level. Some of these foods include eggs, berries, cocoa, kale, and cranberry juice. Regular exercise and fast walking also help.

What foods help raise my HDL cholesterol?

Although your doctor may have told you to lower your total cholesterol, it's important to raise your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which is known as the "good" cholesterol. It might sound like a mixed message, but reducing "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol may lower your risk of heart disease.

HDL-boosting Foods and Beverages?

HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol in your body, and having high levels of this kind of cholesterol is something you want for your long-term cardiac health. Foods and supplements that can boost your HDL levels include foods with highly soluble fiber. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been linked to higher levels of HDL; fish and flax seed oil are good sources of this type of fatty acid. Eliminating trans-fat is also a helpful way to keep HDL up. Last, mild to moderate consumption of alcohol, particularly red wine, is also good for keeping HDL levels elevated.

Are foods with high hdl cholesterol common?

I am not entirely sure if they are common or not but i would highly recommend looking up a list of foods with high hdl levels and use that information for your own interests.

Is there any food to lower cholesterol?

There are foods that can lower cholesterol. These foods include high fiber foods such as oatmeal or bran, fish, nuts, and olive oil. By cutting back on food that is high in saturated or trans fat, one can also lower cholesterol.


You can increase your HDL cholesterol levels by doing aerobic exercises.

Taking Control of Your HDL Cholesterol Levels?

HDL cholesterol levels are important for your overall health. For many people, they do not realize that this is actually the good cholesterol in your body. It looks for any excess amounts of LDL cholesterol and transports them into your liver for proper disposal. If you have high levels of HDL cholesterol, you will not have to worry about excessive amounts of clotting and inflammation in your heart and surrounding blood vessels. As your HDL cholesterol levels rise, your body is essentially becoming healthier. For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, their HDL levels will decrease. You need to partake in any type of exercise that gets your heart rate pumping. From swimming to running and aerobics, you will increase your HDL cholesterol levels and lead to a healthier lifestyle. Avoid eating foods that have high levels of saturated and trans fats because they work to decrease your current level of HDL cholesterol. Margarine and other commercially baked products have an excessive amount of trans fats. Avoiding foods such as olive, peanut and canola oils will help to keep your HDL levels in tact and promote the anti-inflammatory properties therein. Gaining weight works to lower your HDL cholesterol levels. Do whatever you can to ensure your body is as close to its ideal weight as possible. The last thing you want is to allow your HDL cholesterol levels to decline because of weight gain. Your body will not be able to fight off all of the factors that work against your system if your levels are not where they should be in your body. Smokers will have a lower HDL cholesterol level than their counterparts will. If you want to increase your likelihood of getting blood clots, this is definitely one way to do it. When you cease smoking, it will help to raise your HDL cholesterol levels by 10 percent, which is going to make a huge difference in the way you feel on a regular basis. For those who are smokers, it works to create a chemical change in your lipoproteins. Essentially, you are working against your body's own mechanisms to help fight off inflammation and clotting.

Can you raise your HDL cholesterol levels with healthy lifestyle changes?

Yes, a person can raise their HDL cholesterol levels with a healthy diet and exercise. Some ways to do this are to lower your weight, limit cholesterol and ad fats in your diet, have a good exercise routine, do not smoke and only drink in moderation.