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Q: What foods cause stomach ulcers to burst?
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Stomach Ulcer Diet: Food To Avoid?

Stomach ulcers can be painful and they will significantly effect a person's health. Additionally, ulcers will limit a person's diet. The main cause of stomach ulcers is actually a type of bacteria infection from contaminated food. However, specific foods can irritate and exacerbate existing stomach ulcers. For example, highly acidic foo will aggravate stomach ulcers and cause more pain. Additionally, acidic food will prolong the symptoms of stomach ulcers. The best way to minimize pain when having stomach ulcers is to avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine. When it comes to eating, it is recommended that spicy food should be avoided.

please explain to me what an ulcer diet is?

An Ulcer Diet is a diet that is geared towards people who are prone to or suffering from Stomach Ulcers. They are different from normal diets in that they seek to choose foods that do not have a negative effect on stomach health or that can aggravate or cause ulcers.

If a person has stomach ulcers what diet should they go on?

When dealing with stomach ulcers, it is important to limit intake of foods that can increase damage to the stomach's lining. These can include spicy foods and foods with high amounts of acid. It is important to reduce or eliminate these foods and also alcohol and caffeine, which can also do major damage.

What food is the most common cause for stomach ulcers and gastritis in humans?

Certain foods can indeed aggravate ulcers, but food does not cause them - they are caused by a bacterium called heliobactor pylori. Gastritis - a very different thing from ulcers - can be caused by any particularly spic, greasy or heavy food.

How do acid foods effect your body?

Acid foods when reach stomach it increases the concentration of HCl produced inside stomach which in turn causes ulcers inside stomach.

What cause diarrhoea constipation and stomach ulcers in the alimentary canal?

h pylori infection or use of excess painkillers can cause such conditions . additionaly spice food,foods having low fibre also cause them

What are chief causes of ulcers?

The chief cause of ulcers is acidity. Taking rich foods, stress are the major factors that cause acidity.When one is afflicted by ulcers, taking rich foods should be strictly prohibited, instead light foods should be taken. Meditation to minimize stress is suggested. Medical check up followed by medicine should be the panacea for ulcers.

What is good pills for ulcers?

Bland foods and anything that lines stomach like milk should be helpful

What is an ulcer made of?

They are caused in some people be stress. The stress causes an excess production of stomach acid which causes the inside of the stomach to ulcerate. In other people, consuming foods that have a high acidic content can cause ulcers. Such as citrus juices and colas and tea and coffee. There are also some ulcers that are caused by helicobacter bacteria. These are cured by prescription medication. Also, people who take a lot of aspirin can get ulcers.

Will eating foods with seeds cause the stomach to clog up?


What causes ulcers?

A peptic ulcer is an area of damage to the inner lining of the stomach, esophagus, or duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Over 25 million Americans will have a peptic ulcer at some point in their lifetime. People of all ages can suffer from ulcers. Men and women are equally affected.Peptic ulcers were formerly thought to be caused by stress, coffee consumption, or spicy foods. Now it is clear that about 60% of peptic ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection that can usually be cured. Another 20% are caused by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, etc.), and another 20% have miscellaneous causes such as cigarettes or no clear cause.The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) was established as the leading cause of peptic ulcers in the early 1980s. It was also found to cause gastritis(inflammation of the stomach lining), and, in Asian populations, cancer of the stomach.

How peoples ideas have changed about stomach ulcers?

A survey carried out in America in 1995 showed that: 90% of people with ulcers blamed them on stress. 60% of people with ulcers blamed them on food. Two years latter anther survey showed that: 60% of people thought that stress caused ulcers. 17% of people thought spicy foods caused ulcers and 27% of people thought that bacteria caused ulcers.