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According to the blood diet, people with type O blood should eat lean, organic meats, fish and poultry. They should avoid foods containing grains, gluten and dairy. Diet food lists for type O blood can be found at

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The diet should consist of vegitables, protien, and carbohydrates. They also should exercise regularly. They also should stay away from fatty foods.

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Q: What foods should people with type O blood eat?
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What foods should I eat if I have blood type A?

Blood type A people are just the opposite of Blood type O people. You should avoid foods high in fat and eat low fat foods and eat more plant based type foods in your diet.

What are foods are good for a type A blood?

The best type of foods for people with blood type A are fish and poultry. Some food items that people with blood type A should stay away from are red meats.

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Some of the foods you should eat with a B blood type is gamey foods such as rabbit, lamb, venison, etc. Eating fruits and vegetables are also great foods for your blood type along with low fat dairy.

What diets should be followed due to blood type differences?

Different diets should be followed for each blood type. People with O type blood should focus their diets on protein rich foods. People with type A blood should focus their diets on organic vegetarian diets. People with type B blood should focus their diets on a dairy based diet.

What are the different foods by blood type? has a list of foods to eat by blood type. Each blood type varies, such as people with type a blood should remain on a mostly vegetarian diet, while people with blood type B should eat red mean, but avoid lentils, peanuts, and corn. Type o blood type needs to maintain a balanced diet while avoiding carbs.

What food should people with positive type a blood eat?

Go to the drlam website, it has great information on foods to eat with certain blood types. It has a blood type dietary table that tells you what you should and should not eat with your blood type.

What are best foods for type 0 blood type?

A diet that is good for people with O blood type is food with high proteins, such as meat and fish, and low dairy products. They should also stay away from foods with high Vitamin C People with O blood type should also take part in lots of exercise.

Where is a list of foods for people with type A blood to eat/avoid? carries a list of foods appropriate for those with type A blood. Protein powder supplement is good for those with type A blood. They should eat plenty of vegetables and avoid red meat.

What should people with the O blood type include in their diet?

Based on the Blood Type Diet, The O blood type is the "ancient man" and oldest blood type. Going by this example, the O blood type should eat foods high in protein, fresh organic vegetables. The O blood type should avoid grains and certain types of beans.

What foods should type A- blood eat?

The best foods for the O blood type are foods such as poultry, meats, yams, seafoods, nuts, beans, vegetables. They are the types of foods that were correlated with tropical environments and the O blood type originated there.

What is meant by a blood type diet?

For some people, there are certain foods that act like a poison to their specific blood type. They need to watch what they eat to stay healthy. People with type o blood should eat a lot of meat and foods high in protien. In order to loose weight for instance, they should avoid foods such as wheat, corn and cabbage. Foods such as seafood, salt, and red meat actually help them loose weight.

Do people with type O blood have to eat rare foods?

People with O positive blood types do not have to eat rare foods. They should focus their diet on protein rich foods and avoid grains and dairy. They should also use legumes and fruits and vegetables in moderation.