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Q: What foods will kill teddy bear hamsters?
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Can a teddy bear hamster and a Mongolian gerbil live in the same cage?

Syrian Hamsters will kill and eat a gerbil, do not put them together in the same cage.

Do female hamsters kill male hamsters?

It depends. Syrian and Teddy Bear hamsters will kill each other if they are the SAME gender , even if they are related. There will be less fights if you put hamsters of the opposite gender together to mate. Dwarf hamsters live in groups, so female dwarfs and male dwarfs won't attack each other and will have babies peacefully.

Can you let hamsters live together?

it really depends what hamster you've got .. if its a Syrian hamster or (golden,teddy bear). then NO the hamsters will continually fight and kill each other if they are dwarf you could but you will have to try them in a neutral environment

Where did teddy bears get their name?

from a man named teddy that refused to kill a bear

Can two female teddy bear hampsters live together?

No. They will fight and kill. You could put two Roborovski, Winter White, or Djungarian dwarf hamsters together though.

Can a teddy bear kill us?

The term teddy bear is usually used to refer to a stuffed animal toy, which is, of course, an inanimate object which cannot kill you. An actual bear is another matter.

Should you put a baby teddy bear hamster in a cage with a 1 year old they are both females?

No. Hamsters are solitary animals, and will fight and often kill each other if housed together.

How do you kill teddy bear cholla cactus?

reed junco

Where did teddy bear come from?

The name Teddy Bear actually came from Teddy Roosevelt. He couldn't shoot a bear, a toy maker caught wind of that and he named his toy bear after him, the rest is history.

Can a teddy bear hamster get a Chinese hamster pregnant?

NO!! And DO NOT try!A Teddy Bear is a Syrian hamster and a Chinese is a dwarf hamster. They will KILL EACH OTHER.

Is there a way to get rid of the Teddy bear in zombies in black ops?

Kill IT

What happens if a girl names a teddy bear with your name?

i would kill the girl