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Vegeatbles , fruits , grilled chicken , stay away from.fatty meats like pork and fried foods , stay away from salf as well

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Q: What foods would you recommend to someone interested in lowering his or her blood cholesterol level?
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What foods has the greatest cholesterol lowering effect?

Heard from someone that there's a fish called Orange ruffy (can't really remember) helps.

Is it healthy for someone without high cholesterol to go on a lowering cholesterol diet?

Recent research indicates that too-low cholesterol is also unhealthy. Cholesterol occurs naturally in the body and is vital for proper brain function as well as neurological function. It could be unsafe to go on a lower cholesterol diet if one already has low cholesterol, although one should consult their doctor before deciding upon a diet.

What are some diet strategies to lower cholesterol?

There are a few simple diet strategies to lower cholesterol naturally. Such strategies include lowering one's saturated fat intake and increasing soluble fiber intake. If someone with high cholesterol is overweight, it would also be helpful to reduce calories and achieve a more ideal body weight.

Can you recommend some books that have recipes for someone on a low cholesterol diet?

The Low Cholesterol Diet & Recipe Book: Expert Guidance On Low Cholesterol Low Fat Eating For Fitness, Special Needs, Well-Being And A Healthy Heart, Betty Crocker's Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cooking Today are soem of the books that have recips for low cholesterol diet. You can purchase these books in The website also contains the price details and book details.

Should someone with high cholesterol eat bananas?

Bananas are a good food for someone with high cholesterol. The high levels of potassium are a great help for healthy heart action which can be affected by high cholesterol.

How can you recommend someone?

By asking a question and having someone else answer it for you then you recommend them By clicking the recommend button by their name

Does alcohol have cholesterol?

Alcohol actually can lower cholesterol as alcohol can break down fats which cause cholesterol. Too much alcohol, however, can totally destroy the liver beyond repair. Countries like France who have high levels of fat in their diet but drink lots of wine have low rates of heart disease cases which is said to be due to the high level of alcohol drunk.

NOT a healthy food for someone with high cholesterol?

red meat

What to do if someone you like likes somebody else?

There is not much you can do as they are interested in someone else and not you. Focus your interest elsewhere to someone that is interested in you and deserves your attention.

What is the meaning of down build?

To lower something in someone. For example, making fun of someone is lowering, or downbuilding, their confidence.

What does it mean Keep Lowering the Price of the Land until a Fish Takes the Bait?

it means keep lowering the price of ur house until someone will buy it

How much cholesterol is there in french fries?

There is no cholesterol in French Fries, cholesterol only comes from foods made from animals (ex: eggs, burgers, etc.). French Fries are made from a vegetable, not an animal.