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Q: What foot bones bear most of the weight while wearing high heels?
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Should you Wear Frock Suits?

Yes of course go for it without any doubt, but remember wear high heels with frock suits, it looks more beautiful on you while wearing high heels with it.

How much weight or water weight can you lose by wearing a sauna suit while walking for 2 hours?

2 pounds.

Where can men wearing high heels be respected as human beings?

Take a look at real working cowboy boots. They have heels in the range of 2 to 3 inches high, to help the cowboy anchor himself in the ground while roping, to prevent being dragged.

When should girls start wearing heels?

In my opinion, for the most part, girls can begin to look very good in high heels from her 15 and up since for most girls at that age is when they actually start to get more define curves (like hips and such). Heels will emphasize those curves (including legs, butt, and hips) even more while walking. Also, keep in mind that wearing high heels at an extremely young age can look out of place/awkward instead of sensual/beautiful/feminine as it should.

Why don't men wear high heels?

Men can wear high heels but they shouldn't. Men can wear high heels. Only to prove how (un)comfortable high heels can be, I have worn high heels. In this way I can feel & understand how women may have problems with high heels. Some women don't have problems with high heels, and I say that's great for them!

What are some of the foot problems caused by wearing high heels?

One of the most common problems caused by high heels is foot pain, especially in the toes and on the balls of the feet. If wearing brand new high heels another common problem women experience is blisters. Be careful when walking that you don't accidentally turn your foot under while walking in heels as this can cause ankle sprains, twists, or even a brake. There are many problems caused by high heels. Blisters on the feet and toes. Corns and calluses. Hammertoes, bunions, and pump bump. Also back ache, tired and sore feet.

How do a well balanced diet and weight baring exering help keep bones strong?

Eat things with calcium and phosphorus to keep your bones strong while they are growing, and for exercise in activities your bones support the entire weight of your body! amazing right!

What kind of protection is offered by Isotoner slippers?

There are different types if Isotoner slippers but they all offer comfort for your feet. They have plush foam that keeps your heels and feet comfortable while wearing them.

Why are the leg bones of a human leg large and dense while the bones in a bird's leg are small and hollow?

The human's bones need to support larger amounts of weight and withstand pressure, twisting, and other forces. The bones of the bird need to be light-weight so that the bird can acheive flight.

Can you lose weight on your wrist?

yes but it depend on weight of wrist weight and the exercise you do while wearing them the more weight you have and do exercise . the more you gonna lose weight If you spend all day sitting at a desk, wearing weights will not make you burn more calories, no matter how heavy they are. If you are pretty active during the day, wearing weights may boost your calorie burn

When trotting on a horse while using a Western saddle how do you keep from bouncing?

You sit deep in the saddle with all your weight in your heels, what I think is that my butt is glued to the saddle and it helps.

Why does high heels sink in snow but not snow shoes?

Because of pressure. High heels gave small soles. The full weight on a small surface gives a high pressure while the same weight on a larger surface gives a lower pressure. It's like the difference between poking your finger into the sand or trying to push your fist into the sand.