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2w ago

The frictional force between the tires and the road affects the speed of the bicycle. This force determines how well the tires grip the road surface and how efficiently the bike can accelerate or decelerate. Adjusting tire pressure, tread design, and road conditions can all impact this force.

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7y ago

The answer is friction!
You have two forces that act between the bicycle and the road. First there's friction.

With zero friction the bike would never get moving, it'd be left with the wheel spinning in the same place, or topple over.

As the wheel will roll along there can't really be too much friction between tire and road, unless the the tire actually sticks to the surface.

The next is gravity, pulling the bike against the surface. This pressure will cause the bicycle tire to deform. The more the wheel has to deform under the weight of the rider, the more energy will be lost in squashing the wheel as the bike rolls along.

it is actually friction......

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Q: What force between a bicycle's tires and the road affects the speed of the bicycle?
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Is gravity acting on a moving bicycle?

Yes, gravity acts on a moving bicycle. Gravity pulls the bicycle and the rider toward the center of the Earth, influencing their motion. This force helps to keep the bicycle in contact with the ground and affects its acceleration and speed.

Describe the amount of force pushing two surfaces together affects friction?

The amount of force pushing two surfaces together directly affects the magnitude of friction between them. More force increases the contact between surfaces, creating a greater frictional force. Conversely, less force reduces the frictional force between the surfaces.

What force causes a bicycle to slow down when the brake is used?

Friction between the brake pads and the wheel rim or disc generates the force that slows down a bicycle when the brakes are applied. This friction converts the kinetic energy of the moving bicycle into heat, causing it to decelerate.

What force makes a bicycle move forward?

The force that makes a bicycle move forward is generated by the rider pushing the pedals, which rotates the chain connected to the wheels. This rotational force is transmitted to the wheels, causing them to turn and propel the bicycle forward. friction between the tires and the ground helps to convert this rotational force into linear motion.

What is a force that affects only objects with magnetic domains?

The force that affects only objects with magnetic domains is the magnetic force. This force arises from the interactions between the magnetic fields of objects with magnetic domains and can attract or repel objects with magnetic properties.

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