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Q: What is a force that affects only objects with magnetic domains?
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What creates a magnetic force in objects such as iron and cobalt?

The alignment of the Domains in the metal cause it to become magnetic.

Can magnet move objects?

A magnet creates a magnetic field. This field is a force that affects magnetic objects. Like any other force, it can be used to move objects.

The magnetic field or force seems to be associated with the lineup of?

Domains inside the magnetic

What force creates a magnetic force?

Typically, an electric current creates a magnetic force. Also, magnetic domains aligned correctly and properly can cause a magnetic force.

Describe the Three types of force that affects objects?

The three types of force in nature are . . . -- gravity -- electrostatic -- magnetic -- strong nuclear -- weak nuclear

What is the force that affects objects on Earth?


Can magnets attract objects without touching them?

A magnet has a magnetic field around it. The magnetic field causes a magnetic force that can attract objects to the magnet.

Is a type of force a magnetic force?

yes because if it causes objects to move it is a force

What do domains do in a magnet?

Magnetic domains line up with each other during magnetization. Lines of force point out of the north pole and into the south pole.

Why is magnetic force a non contact force?

Because it's not necessary for objects to be in contact (touching) in order to feel the magnetic force between them.

Is the magnetic field the area around the magnet where the force acts?

Magnetic domains are microscopic areas of a solid where the atoms all have their magnetic moments aligned. If these domains are randomly aligned then a ferromagnetic material like iron or nickel will not have any permanent magnetism. If these domains start to align with each other the bulk material will show permanent magnetism. The area around a magnet where the force acts is the magnetic field.

Is magnetism the force of attraction between magnetic objects?
