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It was the mighty Roman Empire that ruled in the end of the Oldtestament and the new testament as well.

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At the end of the Old Testament period, Persia dominated Palestine. In the New Testament period, the region was initially controlled by the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, followed by the Roman Empire.

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Q: What foreign powers dominated palestine at the end of the old testament through the end of the New Testament?
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Who are the modern descendants of the Philistines?

The Philistines were a sea people who arrived in the Levant around 1250 BCE and settled in the fertile coastal plains and foothills from the Egyptian border north to present-day Tel Aviv. Over time, they absorbed a wave of Nabatean immigrants and were then culturally absorbed by their Canaanite neighbours to the north. After the Alexandrian conquests, they absorbed the Greek language and culture, as did their neighbours, other than the Jews. Because of this, by New Testament times we find them sometimes see them referred to by the Jews as "Greeks", sometimes as gentiles. The former Philistines were pagans in the Roman Empire, but with the arrival of Christianity, became Christians. The Arabs overran Palestine in the seventh century CE, after which most became Muslims but a significant number remained Christians even to this day. Modern Palestinians are considered to be descended from various races in the region, including Philistines, Canaanites, Greeks, Romans, Nabataeans, Peninsular Arabs and others.

Who was the one who sent to do religious or charitable work in a foreign country?

A missionary is someone who is sent to do religious or charitable work in a foreign country.

Is the New Testament reliable?

The reliability of the New Testament is a topic of debate among scholars. While it is a primary source for understanding early Christianity, it can be subject to interpretation and historical context. Many scholars view it as a valuable resource for studying the beliefs and practices of early Christians, while others acknowledge the presence of discrepancies and contradictions.

When a relationship exists between two tables in a database for Microsoft acess what name is given to the matching field in the related table?

The field in a related table that matches a field in another table is called a foreign key. This foreign key establishes the relationship between the two tables in a database.

Were any of the books on display in the white house library written by foreign authors?

Yes there are.

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What foreign powers dominated Palestine from the end of the old testament period through the new testament period?

First the Assyrians, then the Babylonians, followed by the Persian Empire, the Greeks and finally by the Romans.

What foreign powers dominated Palestine with one interruption from the end of the Old Testament period through the end of the New Testament period?

The Greek Period from 323 to 167 B.C., followed by The Jewish Indepence 167 to 63 B.C., then Then Roman Period 63 B.C. to A.D. 70.

What interrupted the foreign powers dominated Palestine from the end of the old testament period through the end of the new testament period?

By the end of the old testement, Persia had already defeated Babylon and through it's king Cyrus, the exiles returned to their land. What the Old Testement doesn't cover is the Hellenist period in which the Jews were subject to the Greeks for quite a while until the rebellion of Judas Macabee. After a 100 year monarchy of the Jews, the Romans finally took over and would be in charge for hundreds of years.

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No. In the Old Testament, God told the children of Israel not to intermarry with the surrounding cultures, as they have foreign gods. And in the New Testament, he tells believes to be evenly yoked, meaning at the very least, marrying a fellow believer, not an unsaved person.

Who had character flaws in the Old Testament?

Every person in Old Testament had character flawsEve blamed the serpent while Adam blamed both Eve and God for their transgression - no personal responsibility.Cain was jealous of Abel leading to murder.Samson had affinity for foreign women especially for Delilah.Saul (first King of Israel) was impatient and prideful doing his way not God's way.David committed adultery with Bathsheba then had her husband murdered.Solomon's "foreign policy" was marrying women of foreign lands. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines.For most people in the Old Testament you don't have to look very hard to find a character flaw. Daniel on the other hand is one person that would be hard to point out a character flaw.

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Palestine is one country with (currently) two governments and a foreign military occupation. Historic Palestine is made of two countries: Israel and Palestine.

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What does the Bible say about fighting for your country?

Answer 1In the Old testament God said "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" means you can fight against your enemy to protect your country, but in the new testament it doesn't say that so its really confusing should you follow the new testament but not the old testament? Bible is the true word of God follow the word.Answer 2The Bible says nothing on the subject of patriotism and that is because such a concept, loyalty to a nation-state's fundamental rasion d'être, did not exist in the Biblical Period. In the Old Testament, the Israelite are commanded to take the land and hold onto it against foreign aggression, but in those days, if you lost your land your were liable to be slaughtered, so it was self-preservation. Modern patriotism and fighting for your country is a question of prestige and personal choice. This is beyond the scope of the Bible.Most Christian theologians do not hold that the "Turn the other cheek" passage refers to international conflict and defense of your life and freedom are endorsed by the current churches.