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Q: What form must nitrogen be in to be used by living organisms?
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Why must living organisms rely on nitrogen fixation for their source of nitrogen?

Biology relies on chemistry. The nitrogen must be able to attach to the receptor molecule to be used. Nitrogen fixation renders nitrogen into a less s table form so that it can break bonds and attach to other molecules.

Describe why nitrogen must cycle through an ecosystem?

Nitrogen must be cycled through an ecosystem so that the nitrogen is available for organisms to make proteins.

What form must the nitrogen be in?


Why must nitrogen cycle through an ecosystem?

Because then the organisms can make protein >_<

Why do animals not obtain nitrogen from the air?

Nitrogen gas is fairly inert and so is difficult for organisms to process. Instead, animals must get usable nitrogen compounds from their food.

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What must happen to nitrogen before plants and animal can use it?

Nitrogen must be in the compound form before it is used by plants or animals

What does nitrogen do for organisms?

nitrogen is not only the building blocks of protein, of which muscles and many other of the body's parts are made, but also the basic constituent of DNA, which carries the genetic code for all living things. Nitrogen atoms must also be present in molecules of ADP and ATP, which enable energy transfer during photosynthesis.

What must all living organisms do to be classified as living?

the ability to nourish itself grow and reproduce

What form must nitrogen take before plants and animals can use it?

through roots from the soil

Why is nitrogen fixation important to living things?

Plants need nitrogen in order to grow. Nitrogen is abundant in the earth's atmosphere, but plants cannot use it in that particular form (nitrogen gas). Certain bacteria which reside on some plant roots are able to change atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use (ammonia).

What must happen for plants to use nitrogen in the atmosphere?
