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Q: What form of government fell at the end of the 1980s?
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Yes, he brought global attention to South Africa's government, which led to sanctions by trading partners, and the government fell apart from there.

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They established the Republic.

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The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.The western Roman empire came to an end in 476 AD.

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Rain Fell Within ended in 2002.

Iron curtain fell which year?

Immediately after the end of WW2. The Soviets (Russians) were determined to place a government of their own choosing in Poland without interference from Britain or the US. (or Poland for that matter !)

What British parliamentary leader's government fell when England wanted to end the American Revolutionary War?

based on the politics of its time, the British defeat in the American Revolutionary War caused the fall of Lord North's government. In March of 1782 a new government had to be formed.

What did rule of Augustus Caesar marked the end of?

Augustus Caesar could be said to have marked the end of one form of government and the beginning of another. He could also be said to have marked the end of republican civil wars and the beginning of an era of peace and prosperity.

Why did the birth rate decrease during the late 1980's?

From the beginning of the 1980s, Chinese government pushed forward the one-child policy throughout the whole country, thus its effect appeared gradually at the end of that decade.

What was the importance of the battle fought at Mexico city?

At the fall of Mexico City (Sep 15, 1847), the Mexican government fell as well. It marked the end of the Mexican-American War.

Is the Boyertown Casket Company still in business?

Boyertown closed down at the end of the 1980s.

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The dam fell because a tree fell on it