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X-Ray and Gamma are photons. Photons have no mass and no charge. Well, sort of...

Photons have no mass at rest state. Problem is, they don't sit at rest state. They move at the speed of light. At that speed there is an infinite mass multiplication effect from the Lorentz transformation, 1 / (1 - (1 - v2/c2)-1/2). Take a particle with no mass and multiply that mass by infinity and you get - well, officially, its indeterminate - unless you start talking about limits - then you get some mass.

Bottom line - there is no particle with no mass, unless you happen to also be moving at the speed of light relative to the particle, and that would require infinite energy.

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Gamma radiation gives off particles of electromagnetic energy, known as gamma rays, which have no mass and no charge. These high-energy photons are emitted from the nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay.

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Q: What form of nuclear radiation gives off either particles emery that have no mass and no charge?
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A nuclear particle with no charge?

A neutron is a nuclear particle with no charge. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of atoms alongside protons, which have a positive charge, and electrons, which have a negative charge. Neutrons play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the nucleus through the strong nuclear force.

Why are gamma rays not deflected when passed between electrically charged plates?

Gamma rays are neutral particles and do not carry an electric charge. Therefore, they are not affected by electric fields and are not deflected when passing between charged plates. Only charged particles are influenced by electric fields.

What kind of energy does a piece of radioactive metal use?

Nuclear energy. This is basically a form of kinetic energy. The structure of a radioactive material is very unstable, and as a result, they, at random, kick of particles or waves in the form of either Alpha, Beta or Gamma radiation. Alpha waves are Helium nuclei, and as a result are waaaay to big to be of any real harm. Beta particles are essentially electrons, and as such are a bit more tricky. They tend to get in places you don't want them to get. Gamma radiation is by far the most dangerous, as it is a wave and can penetrate several feet of metal. It is this energy that we harness and use to create fuel, or at least that is how I understand it.

Is matter usually charge-neutral?

Yes, matter is typically charge-neutral because it contains equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles (protons and electrons, respectively). This balance of charges allows matter to maintain a neutral overall charge.

What part of an atom carries a positive charge?

The nucleus is positively charged, the atom itself has no charge, as the negative charge of electrons cancels the positive charge of the nucleus out. Inside the nucleus there are two particles, the protons and the neutrons, those two consist of other particles themselves, but that's a bit complicated, the protons (pro- meaning for or supportive) have a charge of +1, while the neutrons (neu- meaning neutral) have no charge. So you can say that either the nucleus or the protons are positively charged.

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What is a charge of beta?

A beta charge refers to the charge carried by a beta particle, which can be either a beta minus (electron) with a charge of -1 or a beta plus (positron) with a charge of +1. Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay process involving the emission of beta particles.

Electromagnetic radiation behaves as either a?

Wave or a Stream of Particles

What charge particles would repel one another?

Two particles that have a charge of the same sign - that is, either two positive particles, or two negative particles.

What type of radiation from the nucleus is more penetrating than either alpha or beta particles?

Gamma radiation

How radiation is linked to chernobyl and hiroshima?

A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. And in 1986 a nuclear accident occurred at Chernobyl. That's why radiation is linked with either of them.

Does radiation involve heat passing through particles?

No, radiation does not involve heat passing through particles. Radiation is the emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles and does not require a medium to transfer heat. Heat transfer through particles occurs through conduction or convection.

A nuclear particle with no charge?

A neutron is a nuclear particle with no charge. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of atoms alongside protons, which have a positive charge, and electrons, which have a negative charge. Neutrons play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the nucleus through the strong nuclear force.

What does nuclear disaster mean?

it means that either a nuclear rocket or a nuclear lab has exploded letting out nuclear waste and radiation which means the city would have to be evacuated until they are out of the nuclear radation zone.

How does nuclear power kill you?

Exposure to high levels of radiation from a nuclear power plant can cause severe health effects, including radiation sickness, cancer, and damage to internal organs. These effects can be fatal if the exposure is high enough. There is also the risk of accidents, such as meltdowns or leaks, which can release dangerous levels of radiation into the environment.

Deadly radiation left over after a nuclear blast?

nuclear radiation, either prompt or in fallout. Can be any mix of Alpha, Beta, X-rays, Gamma, and/or Neutron.

How are isotopes are formed?

Isotopes are formed either naturally through radioactive decay of elements or artificially through element irradiation by particles as neutrons, protons, electrons, or alpha particles in accelerators or nuclear reactors through nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reactions in nuclear reactors.supernovasparticle acceleratorsnuclear reactorsnuclear explosionsradioactive decay

Will you go blind if you watch a nuclear explosion?

Directly watching a nuclear explosion can cause temporary or permanent blindness due to the intense light emitted during the explosion. The light can overwhelm the retina, causing burns and potentially leading to blindness. It is advised to avoid looking directly at a nuclear explosion and seek shelter instead.