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The formal request was called petition. This is the right answer none of the other ones are right be smart and choose mine.

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Q: What formal request was sent to Britain to offer the last chance to avoid war?
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Did Britain want to avoid war?

Yes because any country that can avoid war will. But Britain wanted to DEFEND themselves and that is different than avoid

Why did Britain avoid a revolution in the early 1830s?

There population was mostly one nationality.

Who can log itil change requests?

A change request is a formal communication requesting a change to one or more CIs. Different types of change may require different types of change request, each with specific forms and procedures (e.g. for impact assessment and change authorization). Request for Change - RFC: A Request for Change (RFC) is a formal request for a change which may be submitted via a paper form or electronically through a service management tool. Most tools will ensure that complete information is provided, and automatically add some data such as identifiers and dates. This will avoid wasted time.

Is this sentence correct - Request you to get away from your rude tongue?

i suggest the right answer is : I request you avoid your rude tongue

What should you avoid in formal writing?

Slang or filler words

Which treaty was made to avoid war between Britain and the United States?

The Oregon Treaty was made to avoid war between Britain and the United States.

What should you always avoid in formal writing?

Slang or filler words

What actions did the colonists take to try to avoid cutting their ties with Britain before the declaration of independence?

The colonists tried to avoid having to separate from Britain. They presented the Olive Tree Petition in an effort to avoid the split.

Interventionists claimed that the US could avoid war it it?

Interventionists claimed that the United States could avoid war if it sent aid to Britain.

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why did colonists avoid seeking independence from britian

What great Britain and France hoped to avoid?

War with Germany

What was it called when Britain and France were trying to avoid war?

Appeasement .