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Q: What former slave recorded his experiences in the southern colonies?
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japan is comprised of two former European colonies!!!!!

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Most former british colonies are still Christian. Much hasn't changed in most of the colonies that were under Britain rule.

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No, they were colonies of Belgium under King Leopold II

Why did former slaves migrate to southern states?

People don't migrate, but animals migrate. Former slaves were all ready located in the southern states.

Which former Beatle recorded the song Jealous Guy?

John Lennon was the former Beatle who recorded the song Jealous Guy. The song was recorded many months before he was shot outside his home in New York.

Did former colonies most of their power under the?

When studying history in school, you will learn about the original colonies. The former colonies retained most of their power under he Articles of Confederation. That sentence has the correct answers inserted.

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East Timor

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Haiti and many African countries.

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