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Q: What former slave was instrumental in the Underground Railroad before the Civil War?
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What former slave was instrumental in the Underground Railroad before the Civil War.?

Former slave, Harrier Tubman was the driving force behind the Underground Railroad. She had escaped slavery and assisted slaves from the South to either Canada or parts of New England. She provided maps and other information to John Brown in his quest to start a slave revolt.

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Which former slave helped other slave escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman

What is the name for the series of safehouses for runaway slaves arranged by abolitionists and run by former slaves?

The Underground Railroad

Who was Henry Ossawa Tanner's mother?

Sarah Miller Tanner. She was a former slave who ran away on the Underground Railroad.

What former slave became famous for secretly returning to the south dozen of times in order to help slaves escape northward via the Underground Railroad?

What former slave became famous for secretly returning to the south dozen of times in order to help slaves escape northward via the Underground Railroad?

What conductor on the underground railroad was known as black moses?

Harriet Tubman, an abolitionist and former slave, was known as "Black Moses" for her leadership in guiding many enslaved individuals to freedom along the Underground Railroad. She played a pivotal role in the antislavery movement and as a conductor on the Underground Railroad, risking her life to help others escape to freedom.

Who was Harriet Tubman and why is this former slave important?

She was a slave who led other slaves to the north through the Underground Railroad, which is not a real Railroad. This was during the Civil War period where the north disliked the use of slaves.

What former slave became famous for returning to the south dozens of times in order to help slaves escape northward via the underground railroad?

harriet tubman

What did slavery have to do with Florida becoming a state?

In 1693 while under Spanish control St Augustine, Florida was a safe haven for slaves. Long before the northern Underground Railroad there was a southern Underground Railroad. Former slaves I. St Augustine were free people who could own businesses, buy houses, go to school, and be free of discrimination. It is much later when the Spanish lost control of Florida that slavery was instituted.

What is the symbolic meaning of the underground railroad?

former slaveHarriet Tubman who had escaped as well as other slaves that ran away spirited away slaves to places north and eventually Canada. Although it had some quaker friends and a few whites that had morals to help them,it was primarily a black movement of former slaves and freedmen and women of color that led the majority of missions and provided havens for our people during their escape.

Why do some of the routes in the underground railroad point to the north?

Canada, which is north of the United States, was a good destination for escaping slaves. Canada did not return escaped slaves to their former owners.