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Q: What forms a mass of amoeboid cells?
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How do amoeboid cells move?

They have Pseudopodia

Is amoeba a haploid or a diploid?

The amoeboid cells are haploid. In the sexual phase of the life cycle, two amoeboid cells fuse to form a zygote. New amoeboid cells are produced by meiosis.

Which blood cells are capable of amoeboid movement?

WBCs & platelets namely: neutrophils and monocytes

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stem cells ?

What is an amoeboid?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaForaminiferan(Ammonia tepida)Amoeboids are single-celled life-forms characterized by an irregular shape.[1]"Amoeboid" and "amœba" are often used interchangeably even by biologists,[2] and especially refer to a creature moving by using pseudopodia. Most references to "amoebas" or "amoebae" are to amoeboids in general rather than to the specific genus Amoeba. The genus Amoeba and amoeboids in general both derive their names from the ancient Greek word for change

The mass of cells that result from uncontrolled cell growth?

A mass of new cells that forms from uncontrolled cell growth is refered to as a neoplasm. This can indicate a cancer or tumour, where cell growth is unchecked and defective.

What does amoeboid motion?

I think it means white blood cells.Because the white blood cells are described as ameoboid that means they look like ameba they have both nucleus.. :)

Do amoeboid cells move with flagella?

No they do not. That is the difference between the three types of motility in bacteria. There is gliding among Toxoplasma gondii. Amoeboid movement in which the polymerization/depolymerization of actin leads to the formation of pseudopodia, filopodia and/or lamellipodia that enable the cell to crawl along a surface is second. The last form of movement is flagellar.

What is the name of the amoeboid arms?


What is the definition of amoeboid movement?


What does amoeboid motion mean?

I think it means white blood cells.Because the white blood cells are described as ameoboid that means they look like ameba they have both nucleus.. :)

Microfilaments are well known for their role in what?

Microfilaments are well known for several things. They are known for amoeboid movement, formation of cleavage furrows, and the contracting of muscle cells.