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The process known as polymerisation does.

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Q: What forms compounds made of long chains of atoms?
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What atom forms compounds of long chains of atoms?

The process known as polymerisation does.

What element is important in the chemistry of life and forms compounds made of long chains of atoms?

Floxxit (Fx)

Does silicon form compounds made of long chains of atoms?

no but carbon does

What element is commonly used when forming long chains of atoms?

Carbon, these are called organic compounds.

What element forms compounds made of long chains of atoms?

Talk to whomever asked this question. Let them know that there is more than one element that does this.What most people think when they think of chains of atoms is carbon. But silicon also forms long chain molecules. This is not an obscure fact; it's very well known and the basis of products all around you, like hair conditioners and bathtub caulk.

What about the carbon atom makes it an ideal atom to form the backbone or skelton for most biological compounds?

Carbon atoms can bond together to form single, double, and triple bonds, long chains, branched chains, and rings, which enables carbon to form so many different compounds with hydrogen, oxygen, and other atoms like phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur.

How can million of compounds be made from the atoms of about 100 elements?

Through the magic of chemistry. It's all about the many, many different ways that atoms can be linked up via chemical bonds to make chemical compounds. And because of the "flexibility" of the carbon atom, it can make long chains of complex compounds. These long chains will "up the count" of molecules. As compounds become larger aggregates of atoms, the atoms can arrange themselves in many different ways to become a different compound. Even with the same numbers of the same atoms, different arrangements, and, therefore, distinct compounds with their own unique characteristics, can be formed. The element carbon is almost miraculous in it's ability to form "chains" or other complex structures to give shape to very large, complex molecules. Far and away more compounds are formed from carbon than any other single element.

Long chains of organic compounds are known as?


Why are long carbon chains called organic compounds?

Yes !

Do compounds always contain different atoms?

They don't HAVE to. Methane CH4 is an organic compound and (as you can see) isn't all that big. However the vast majority of them are large, into the hundreds if not thousands of atoms. DNA and protein chains can be exceedingly long.

Why is carbon fundamental for organic compounds?

Carbon has the ability to make 4 strong covalent bonds with other elements or carbon atoms. Also it can make stable double, triple bonds with other atoms. Carbon can make long stable chains .

What about carbon atoms make them so unique and important?

The 4 outer electrons put it right at the point in reactions where it can form compounds consisting of many things, the most important of which is combining with itself as well as other elements. This is critical in forming long chain carbon compounds ... that type of material that you and I are formed of.