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mountains, volcanoes, and trenches

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Q: What forms if there is a continent on each side of convergent boundaries?
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Related questions

How are convergent boundaries different from divergent boundries?

convergent boundaries collide but divergent boundaries move away from each other.

What are the technical names for each of the tectonic plates movements?

Divergent Boundaries, Convergent Boundaries and Transform Fault Boundaries. Divergent Boundaries move away from each other, Convergent Boundaries collide with each other and Transform Fault Boundaries grind past each other.

How are convergent boundarys different from divergent boundarys?

convergent boundaries collide but divergent boundaries move away from each other.

What is the difference between convergent and divergent and transform boundaries?

Divergent boundaries- Plates move apart from each other Convergent boundaries- Plates compress against each other Transform boundaries- Plates move past each other

Do plates slide past each other at convergent boundaries?

No. Plates come together at convergent boundaries. In other words they converge. Plates slide past each other at transform boundaries.

what structures are created at each type of convergent boundaries?

Convergent boundaries are where two tectonic plates hit each other. This can cause earthquakes, but can also create mountains.

What is a crustal boundary?

There are 3 types convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Convergent collide, divergent move away, and transform boundaries occur when two boundaries pass each other horizontally. The process of subduction is associated with convergent boundaries and tectonic plates play a huge role in these types of boundaries.

At which plate boundaries do most volcanoes form?

Most volcanoes form at a convergent plate boundary. Simply put when a oceanic plate and a continental plate hit each other face on the subduction of the oceanic plate causes the magma to rise and the converging of the plates makes a mountain and the magma rises through the top creating a volcano.

A what fault generally occurs at a convergent boundary?


Name 3 plate boundaries?

divergent, transform and convergent

Can convergent boundaries cause earthquakes?

yes they can because they run into each other

What are the three types of plate bounderies?

the three types of plate boundaries are : -convergent plate boundaries -divergent plate boundaries -transformed plate boundaries