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Q: What forms of nitrogen are usable by organisms?
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What is responsible for making nitrogen in the atmosphere usable by living organisms?

nitrogen fixing bacteria

A certain essential element is not usable to organisms in its free state?


What are living things that need nitrogen to make complex nitrogen compounds called?

Living things that need nitrogen to make complex nitrogen compounds are called nitrogen-fixing organisms. These organisms have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into usable forms such as ammonia or nitrates, which can be incorporated into various biological molecules. Examples of nitrogen-fixing organisms include certain bacteria and some plants, such as legumes.

A certain essential element is not usable to organisms in its free state special bacteria can fix it into a form that is usable the element is?


Bacteria are the only organisms that can?

Bacteria are the only organisms that can convert nitrogen into a usable form. Diazotroph or nitrogen-fixing bacteria are types of bacteria that perform this ability.

What organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites

Why do animals not obtain nitrogen from the air?

Nitrogen gas is fairly inert and so is difficult for organisms to process. Instead, animals must get usable nitrogen compounds from their food.

What is atmospheric nitrogen fixationand how does it affect organisms?

The atmosphere is made up of 70% nitrogen. Nitrogen is also a key ingredient for proteins and nucleic acids such as DNA, and without these, no life could exist. However, the nitrogen in the atmosphere is unusable for most organisms. A few types of microorganisms are capable of fixing nitrogen into a bioavailable form, and that is the process of nitrogen fixation. The fixed nitrogen can then be used by plants to create amino acids, and the amino acids are then consumed by animals.

Plant and animals can not use the nitrogen that makes up?

The atmospheric nitrogen. This is a diatomic and triple bonded form of nitrogen that can not be metabolized by organisms other than some bacteria which convert it into usable form for plants.

What is the process of changing free nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen?

Converting free nitrogen into a usable form ( a compound) is called nitrogen fixation.

Why doesn't the humans breathe nitrogen?

Because the nitrogen in the air is in a form not usable to animals and plants. The only way animals get nitrogen to build protein and nucleic acid is by eating it. This is usually through plants, which get there nitrogen from the soil. They get it from the soil because bacteria in the soil turn the atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form. In a water ecosystem cyanobacteria (a.k.a. blue-green algae) transform the nitrogen from the atmosphere into usable forms of nitrate

How do we get nitrogen with out breathing it in?

We get nitrogen in a usable form from our food.