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Q: What fossil fern helped wegener hypothesis of continental drift?
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Do fossils and rocks support the hypothesis of continental drift?

yes it does, one fossil plant that helped support the hypothesis of the conentental drift is glossopteris.

How did Alfred wegener's inventions helped us?

It helped us by creating the theory of seafloor spreading which is the proof alfred needed to complete his hypothesis

The ways that fossils helped support the hypothesis of continental drift?

Because of sea floor spreading

What did wegener used to support his hypothesis and what werevhis weakest evidence?

Fossils were found on the coast of Africa and the coast south America that were in the same dinosaur family. Witch helped Wegener figure that these creatures were once in the same place

Summarize the ways that fossils helped support the hypothesis of the continental drift?

Because of sea floor spreading

The scientists of wegener's time should have accepted his hypothesis Why or why not?

yes because they didnt know how wegners inteligence was and they should have tried it in the firts place anyway it would have helped relize that his hypothesis waas correct when they dobt of him!

What are the ways that fossils helped support the hypothesis of continental drift?

Fossils of the same species can be found on continents that are now today separated by oceans. btw continental drift is a fact.

What five kinds of evidence support Wegener's observation that south America was at one time joined to Africa?

Well I know 4 Rock evidence mountain belt evidence fossil evidence puzzle piece evidence Hope it helped.......

What was dan mckenzie's hypothesis?

His hypothesis was continental drift and the sea floor spreading. He helped discover the 7 major plates and large unknown amounts of minor plates. Our plates drift 2 cm a year.

How did fossils contribute to the idea of continental drift?

Name a fossil that was found on different continents and was used to support the theory of continental drift.

What country helped the Continental Army during the Revolutionary war?

The.French of France helped the Continental Army and the Spanish of Spain also helped the Continental Army

Why were Alfred Wegener's theories dismissed?

Because there wasn't pretty much he could use to prove that. When he was asked what was the force that moved the continents, he said it was the tide. Nobody believed him, although he had many statements to prove it existed.