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hey watz up peps watz crackin lackin(:<3(^^^) hozz it goin

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Q: What four ideas are still in our government that were part of the puritan lifestyle?
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What three ideas are still in your government that were part of the Puritan lifestyle?

the people

What four ideas are still in your nation that were part of the Puritan lifestyle?

Religious Liberty, decency, high morals, and the Constitution

What four ideas are still in your government there were part of the purtian lifestyle?

the four ideas are food,water,shelter and finding land for the children

How did Puritan values of the seventeenth century influence Americans of the nineteenth century?

Americans still valued the Puritan sense of duty and love of learning.

What is your lifestyle?

My lifestyle is busy but still healthy. Even if I have a hectic schedule, I still make it a point to eat healthy and exercise few times a week.

Do the people of Massachusetts still follow the puritan way?

No, the people of Massachusetts do not generally follow the Puritan way of life today. Massachusetts is now a diverse state with people practicing a variety of religions and belief systems, and the influence of Puritanism has greatly diminished over time. However, some aspects of Puritan culture and history are still present in the state.

Are you still using George Washington Carvers ideas?

yes many people still do use many of his ideas all of them are brillant ideas

What types of lifestyles are in Thailand?

they are still living the same lifestyle.

What evidence of puritan attitudes still exists today?

Evidence of Puritan attitudes can be seen in American culture through traditions like Thanksgiving, emphasis on hard work and discipline, and influences on laws governing behavior. Puritan beliefs in self-reliance, thriftiness, and moral uprightness still influence societal expectations and values. Additionally, certain regions of the United States, such as New England, continue to exhibit traces of Puritan influence in their customs and social norms.

If you are not depressed or emo but still want to be goth what do you do?

It's a lifestyle not an emotional state of mind. you can still get into it.

When did the puritan religious and social movement end if ever?

Puritanism is still an active movement but has 'joined forces' with the Anglican faith.

Which puritan beliefs are still important in the modern US?

sexual repression, the primary importance of money, laws against fun.