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Gold,Copper,Zinc,Shipping Timber

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Q: What four major economic resources exist in Central America?
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Does Nicaragua exist?

Yes, its a small country in central America.

What classes exist in Central America today?

upper, middle, lower

Does Honduras exist?

Yes, Honduras is a real country in central America.

Which economy exist when resources are allocated by the government or other central authority?

planned economy exists

What type of economic and political system exist where all resources and production are owned collectively by all?

mixed capitalism

What resources exist in Latin America?

Gold, silver, iron ore, tin, copper, and petroleum are a few

Do vampire bats still exist?

Yes, vampire bats are still common in North and Central America.

Do spider monkeys exist?

Yes, they are found in tropical forests of Central and South America, from southern Mexico to Brazil.

Two ancient civilizations found in central America?

The Mayans and the Aztecs are the most famous civilizations found in central America. Both of them ceased to exist because of civil war and the introduction of foreign diseases.

How many raccoons exist?

There is no census of all raccoons. However, there are two species of raccoon - the common (or northern) raccoon of North and Central America and the crab eating raccoon of Central and South America. There are also a number of subspecies.

Why do consumer producer and government have to make choice?

Because these economic actors exist in a condition of scarcity, which means that they must make trade-offs to achieve their desires. Making trade-offs implies economic choices exist.

What is the sociological term for a middle class parent who can afford things a working class parent can't?

This situation can be referred to as "economic privilege" or "class advantage". It highlights the disparities in resources and opportunities that exist between individuals of different socio-economic backgrounds.