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Metals generally: conduct electricity well, conduct heat well, Have a shiny surface when freshly cut, form positive ions. Many are hard to the touch but some are soft and can be cut with a knife (Sodium and Lead for example) all are solids at room temperature except Mercury

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14y ago
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15y ago

high conductivity- can conduct heat and electricity shininess malleability- material can be hammered/rolled into flat sheets or other shapes ductility- material can be pulled out/drawn into a long wire

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11y ago

the most basic ones are:


conducts electricity


have 1-3 valence electrons generally

forms basic oxidizers


when in a sheet they are opaque

all are solids at room temperature except Hg

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11y ago

There are more than 80 metals recognized and placed in the Periodic Table. They have an immense diversity of their chemical and physical properties.

Two of the qualities that all metals have are, conductivity of electricity and heat. These behaviour can be understood by their metallic bonding structure which contain 'free electrons'.

If we discuss about the metals a little further, almost all of the metals are solids at room temperature. The only exception to this statement is mercury.

Metals are usually can be bent and can be extracted into sheets or wires. And metals give a sonorous sound when it is collided. The exceptions for these statements are the alkali metals and mercury which is normally found as a liquid.

Generally it is said that metals show basic characteristics as they do react with acids to liberate hydrogen gas. But some metals including aluminium, zinc, tin and lead react with alkali too, and it violates the statement if it is mentioned for ALL metals.

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11y ago

Most metals have something in common. For instance, almost all metals luster, which means to shine or glow. Another is most metals are hard and very difficult to cut through. If you want to know more, go to the related link.

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11y ago

i dont know What properties do metals have?

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10y ago

Butt and bobo

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Q: What four properties do most metals have in common?
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