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Q: What four tools used to remove dinosaur bones from rock?
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What do you do with the bones on mythology island?

Even though there are 15 bones and you have to remove 6, you can still have TEN - make the bones spell the word TEN. When you remove bones from each of the three sets of bones, it makes a letter. Two bones make the T, four bones make an E, and three bones make the N.

How do you get the extra bone on Mythology Island?

There is no extra bone. You remove 6 bones from the three sets of bones to make the letters T-E-N in bones. Remove three, leaving two to make the T. Remove one, leaving four to make the E. Remove two, leaving three to make the N.

What is the bones password on mythology island?

Even though there are 15 bones and you have to remove 6, you can still have "ten" - make the bones spell the wordTEN.When you remove bones from each of the three sets of bones, it forms a letter. Two bones make the T, four bones make an E, and three bones make the N.

What do you do if you solve the bone riddle on mythology island and nothing happens?

Make sure you form a capital n. (so it looks like this: N)---Even though there are 15 bones and you have to remove 6, you can still have TEN - make the bones spell the word TEN. When you remove bones from each of the three sets of bones, it makes a letter. Two bones make the T, four bones make an E, and three bones make the N.

How do you spell the word ten on Mythology Island?

In the lair of the Minotaur, remove bones from each of the three sets to leave the letters "T-E-N" in bones (two bones form the T, four form the E, three form the N).

How do you pass the bones test on Mythology Island?

In the maze (labyrinth), you are told to remove 6 bones from the 15 and still leave 10.The answer is to leave the 9 bones that spell out the word TEN.The T is made from two bones in the first group, E is four bones in the second group, N is three bones.)(see related question)

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What are four measuring tools used in the workshop

What are the four groups of tools in the tools panel?

Selection tools, Enhancement tools, Vector tools, Navigation tools.

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Four categories of bones do MOST of the bones of the appendicular skeleton fit into?

long bones

What do you do when you finish arranging the bones on Mythology Island?

You are leaving 9 of the bones to spell the word T-E-N. (Two bones make a T, four left make the E, and three form the N.) The barrier rises as soon as you remove the 6th bone.