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Q: What fraction of a person's genes comes from each grandparent?
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What fraction of your genes did you inherit from your grandparent?

1/4 because either your grandma/pa gave genes to your mom/dad and they were either dominant or recessive so you'd have to look up family history

How do we get 25 percent of our grandparents genes?

Theoretically speaking, we get 50 percent of our genes from our father and 50 percent of our genes from our mother. Our parents themselves get genes in the same proportion. So basically, you get 25 percent genes from each grandparent because your parent has 50 percent genes from each grandparent and then you get 50 percent of that 50 percent, that is, 25 percent.

Can a persons genes change as they age?

No.. it's permanent

What is the connection between a persons genes and his or her metabolism?

Genes do play a role and have an effect on metabolism. For example if a persons family has many incidences of obesity, it is highly likely that person will also be obese because their genes will cause their metabolism to be slow.

A lioncub inherits what fraction of its genes from its mother?

It inherits about 50 of its mothers genes.

What contains the genes the determine a persons gender or sex?

The Sex chromosomes

What can increase a persons chance of getting?

Being born with certain genes.

Why is your eye color that color?

You can get it from your parent's or grandparent's genes. For example, if both of your parent's eyes are brown, you'll most likely be born with brown eyes.

Will psoriasis from person to persons to transfer?

Psoriasis isn't contagious, you get it from your family genes.

What is a lion cub inherits what fraction of its genes from its mother?


Why is a persons phenotype harder to predict than a persons genotype?

Because peoples appearances changes as their body changes.

Where does a persons genes and chromosomes come from?

They come from the same 'place' that all other Living Creatures Genes come from - Three Billion Years of Biological Evolution.