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The slaves to be free

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Q: What freedom did Virginia include in its constitution that has not been a right under British government?
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What freedom did Virginia include in its constitution that had not been a right under British government?

that slaves could be freed

What British traditions and American colonial experiences with freedom were incorporated into the US government during the constitution?

all of them

What documents influenced ideas about Government in the United States?

The documents that influenced ideas about government include: - Magna Carta - The Constitution - English Bill of Rights - Mayflower Compact - Declaration of Independence - State Constitutions - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

What are two documents used to write the Constitution?

The Virginia Statute of religious freedom and the Virginia decleration of rights.

What does the government of the US owe to the British political tradition?

Democracy and freedom of speech. Many of the items of the Magna Carta, signed in 1215, are embodied in the US Constitution.

What are three things that the constitution gave power to the federal government?

freedom of religion freedom of expression and freedom of speech

Freedom of religion is what amendment?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom to practice one's religion without interference from the government.

Can the government limit your right to freedom of belief?

Nope, the US Constitution clearly states the freedom of belief.

Do people have the freedom to disagree with the government in Australia?

The freedom of political speech is an implied right, in the Australian constitution.

Who declared that Virginia had no official church?

Thomas Jefferson, as Governor of Virginia, declared in 1779 that Virginia had no official state church with the passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. This statute is considered a precursor to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and established freedom of religion in Virginia.

How are the constitution's guarantees of personal freedom and the principle limited government connected?

Government in the United States is limited and the Constitution's guarantees of personal freedom is a chief example. Each guarantee is either outright prohibition or a restriction on the power of government to do something.

How did the Government secure our freedom and that of our decendents in the Constitution?

The bill of rights provide the list of basic rights and freedoms. While the constitution is the foundation of how government works.