

What frequency does fat absorb?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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The peak frequency is very wide-band, somewhere between 2 - 3.5 megahertz. Ultrasonic waves are readily absorbed by fat at that frequency and if tuned to peak will not damage other soft tissue around the fat, but... if improperly tube, soft tissue that is vital to the body CAN be damaged at that frequency. Liposuction procedures usually use 25 - 100 kilohertz, either from the inside of the body during liposuction, or from the outside with or without liposuction. Since those frequencies are not in the peak bandwidth, the ultrasonics merely accelerates the fat and both builds heat and cavitates it, thus damaging fat cells which are damaged even before skin and soft flesh is, which causes the cell to both leak its fatty acids and deflate, as well as to be disposed of by the body through the same mechanisms fat is burned by exercise, BUT... once damaged, are no longer susceptible to gaining weight again, thus weight loss with THOSE damaged cells, is permanent. .

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a frequency of 1.2x10^15 Hz

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Fluorescence. It happens when atoms' electrons absorb light at one frequency and emit at other (usually lower) frequencies. Sometimes two photons are absorbed by the same electron, and emitted as a single higher frequency, but this is not common.

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If waves are going opposite directions: If the two waves have the same amplitude and frequency, they will cancel each other out, resulting in a flatline. If one has a greater amplitude, it will "absorb" the smaller one and the result will be a wave with amplitude of the difference between the two original waves, going in the direction of the first wave with greater amplitude. If they're going the same direction: If the waves have the same frequency and phase, the will simply add on to each other, resulting in a larger wave. If the two have the same frequency but different phase, some parts of the waves will be offset to result in a wave with different amplitude but same frequency (depending how off-phase the waves are). If they have the same frequency and exactly opposite phases, the two will offset into a flatline. If they have different frequency, then it will result in a completely different wave with different frequency, phase, and amplitude.

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