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Well to start of a earthquake happened and then the tsunami and well that's when this all happened causes children drowned and the right after that radiation plant started leaking it infected the farmers land and now they can't use that farm land for the nest 3,000 years no official cemeteries to bury their dead so that means that there may be an epidemic lets hope no well and then animals run lose like crocodiles and zoo's wiped out. Then people didn't know about the radiation so they ate the vegetables and things that were infected with radiation then the wost has just begone the radiation has leaked into the ocean... the means fishing in the U.S may be not safe but most definitely our economy has gone down. Its gone down because Japan has stopped all production of milk and everything that has to do with produce. So that The scoop about Japan May God Help Them ...

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Q: What from the earthquake triggered the tsunami in Japan?
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Was there an earthquake when the tsunami in japan happened?

The tsunami that devastated the Japan coast on March 11, 2011 was triggered by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake.

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No, there was an earthquake which triggered a tsunami. The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.9 on the Richter scale.

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No. It was an earthquake which then triggered a tsunami wave.

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The tsunami inMarch 11, 2011was triggered by the 9.0 magnitude earthquake near the coast of Japan.

Why did the tsunami in Japan happen?

The Tsunami was caused by the large earthquake that preceded it.

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Once the earthquake that triggered the tsunami occurred, authorities knew that a tsunamis was likely. Prior to the earthquake there was no way of predicting it.

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On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred near the east coast of Japan, which triggered a massive tsunami. UPDATE: Official magnitude was updated to 9.1 on Nov 7, 2016.

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The tsunami was triggered by an earthquake.

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There was a tsunami, but it was triggered by a volcanic eruption, not an earthquake.

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The earthquake triggered the tsunami

When the tsunami hit japan 2011?

The earthquake occurred at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC) 11 March 2011, which triggered the tsunami. This tsunami hit Japan only a few minutes later.