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Q: What front forms in drizzly rain then clear warm weather?
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What do weather fronts bring?

Cold Front: Thunderstorms , Heavy Rains , or SnowWarm Front: Drizzly Rain , and are followed by clear and warm weatherOccluded Front: Cool Temperatures , and Large amounts of rain and snowStationary Front: Cloudy , Wet Weather

What type of weather occurs as a warm front moves through an area?

Cold front: Brings thunderstorms ,snow, heavy rain, and cold dry air Warm front: Brings drizzly rain then clear weather, warm and humid air

Describe the conditions along a stationary front?

The weather associated with a stationary front is similar to that produced by a warm front. And a warm front generally brings drizzly precipitation. :)

What brings drizzly rain?

A warm front brings in drizzly rain

Is the weather clear or rainy along the front?


What type of front does cool clear weather usually follow?

A cold front.

Is the weather along the front usually clear or rainy?


What kind of weather is in a stationary front?

Cloudiness and presipitation occur along the front. Some precipitation can be heavy because the front moves so little. 3:)

What type of weather is associated with warm front?

the weather will probably be warm and u will have nothing but clear or rainy skies.

What type of weather front forms when a warm air pushes a cold air mass ahead of it?

a warm front

What kind of weather occurs with warm fronts?

Cold weather front have low pressure air and rain/snow/hail/tornadoes and even hurricanes depending on location. Cold fronts bring huge, towering, billowing clouds [Cumulonimbus] that bring thunderstorms. Warm weather fronts bring gentle precipitation and high pressure air. Warm weather fronts also bring sheetlike clouds [Stratus] and wispy clouds [Cirrus] On the other hand, when there is no front, puffy white clouds [Cumulus] come on fair sunny days.

When warm air moves over cold air a warm front forms. The warm air tends to rise along a gentle slope above the cold air and form layers of clouds.?

Stratus clouds and drizzly rain :)