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Q: What fruit is long and yellow and grown in bunches?
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Can a fruit tree be grown from a seed taken from a fruit bought from a grocery store?

Yes as long as it has not been irradiated

What is a long fruit with a thick yellow skin?

Ben Doe's bananna ;)

How long does it takes yellow dragon fruit tree to have fruit?

it takes about to plant any 10 to 8 hours

Do angsana bear flower?

The Angsana flowers twice a year. Flowers are small, yellow and slightly fragrant and grow in bunches 15 to 30 cms. long. They only last for one day

What is the description of a banana?

long yellow fruit that does not look like an apple but is not unlike a springer spaniels tail

What do bananas look like and taste like?

A long yellow fruit. It is unpeeled before eaten. The inside is yellow. Taste is almost impossible to describe in words.

Foods allowed to cross the border from Canada to the US for personal use?

anything other than fresh fruit. Actually, fresh fruit is fine as long as it has been grown in the US or Canada with the exception of citrus fruits (none of those are allowed regardless of where they were grown!).

What is something containing fruit from a flowering vine?

I have the same question, There is something growing in my garden that is a vine with a small fruit on it. What does yours look like? Mine has two inch green leaves with 5 'points' The flower is has 5 petals and is yellow Under the yellow flower, the stem 'bulges' out to form the 'fruit' pod thing The pod-like fruit starts out green and turns yellow The pod-like fruit has spikes on it while it is green and becomes less spiky as it turns yellow As the pod-fruit grows the yellow flower withers at the tip of the pod and then falls off The pod-fruit thing is about 2 inches long, is somewhat oblong with pointed ends (from stem to tip)

How long does it take for a lemon to grow or ripen?

A dward myer lemon tree flowers in the sprint, sets fruit shortly after, 5-7 months for fruit to mature and go from green to yellow..

How does sweetcorn grow?

Sweetcorn grows up to 30cm tall above the ground but the actual fruit is underneatch the ground. The actual fruit grows up to about 50 cm long! to check if it is ready you should stick your fingers onto the fruit where the above ground part connects to the soil. Then pull it up an inch if the sweetcorn is hard to get out it means that it has grown if it comes out easily it would not have grown fully