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Gouty Arthritis is a condition brought about by too much uric acid building up in the blood stream. Uric acid is metabolised by the system from purines which come from the nucleus of the cells of once living things. Percentage of these come from your own body cells as they are replaced and reabsorbed into the body and others come from the foods you eat. The body filters uric acid out via the Kidneys the large intestine and in sweat, with the kidneys being the main organ to deal with it. if there is an over production of uric acid or if the kidney does not function properly then the concentration of uric acid becomes too high. This leads to the acid turning into tiny sharp crystals that find their way int synovial joints and other places leading to extreme pain. The rule of thumb regarding what gout sufferers should avoid is, high purine foods starting with seafood's, followed by offal foods such as brains . liver kidney etc then red meats White meats onto to legumes. The best thing to do is get a purine table to help you restrict the foods that are high in purines that make uric acid.

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Q: What fruit to avoid while taking coumadin?
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