

What fuel contains the most energy?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What fuel contains the most energy?
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How do you figure out which fossil fuel contains the most energy?

you research it

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The bottom of the pyramid contains the most energy.

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The question makes no sense - you can't consider two variables at once - energy and mass. Most energy for the same mass - hydrogen.

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A match. Solid rocket fuel.

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Rocket fuels are used. It contains chemical energy

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How is energy transferred in a furnace?

Most furnaces burn some kind of fuel. The fuel (wood, oil, coal, etc) contains chemical energy bound up in its molecular structure. Oxygen from the air is combined with the fuel and breaks old chemical bonds to form new chemical bonds with less energy. The extra energy is released as heat and light.

Is uva radiation the lowest?

UV-A contains the least radiation (or energy) and is therefore, the least harmful. UV-C contains the most amount of energy and is the most harmful.

What happens if you don't burn off energy?

A fuel such as coal or oil contains what might be called 'potential chemical energy'. The potential energy will remain there until the fuel is ignited and then the reaction with oxygen in the atmosphere starts, we call that 'burning'. So if you don't burn the fuel the potential energy just stays there.

What kind of energy does fuel contain?

Fossil fuels contain chemical potential energy, which is released as thermal energy when they burn. Nuclear fuel which can undergo fission contains energy by virtue of the change of mass which occurs when the nucleus is split into fragments, initially this is released as kinetic energy which is absorbed in the fuel and released as thermal energy.

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Which types of molecules contain the most energy?

Adenosine Tri-phospate or ATP is the molecule that contains the most energy.