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Chloroplast makes food for plant using photosynthesis. it also makes oxygen by splitting water useing photosynthesis

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13y ago

Nothing, Animal cells use mitochondria which create ATP for the cell, which can be later made into Adenosine Di Phostphate or Adenosine Mono Phosphate.

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Q: What function do chlorophyll perform in an animal cell?
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Could it be possible to animals to perform photosynthesis why?

No,because animal cell do not have chlorophyll

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Why is chlorophyll important to the animal cell?

Animal cells don't have chlorophyll.

Is chlorophyll in a animal cell?

No: Only a plant cell contains chlorophyll.

Is there chlorophyll in an animal cell?

nope. there is only chlorophyll in a plant cell

What function does a chloroplasts perform in an animal cell?

Chloroplasts cannot be seen in animals. No animal is photosynthetic

What function does the membrane perform in an animal?

helps control transport of material into and out of the cell

What is there in a plant cell that is not there in an animal cell?

The cell wall & chlorophyll.

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Would you find a chlorophyll in a plant cell or animal cell?

Plant cells only, animal cells do not contain chloroplasts or chlorophyll.

What job does chlorophyll do for a cell?

It makes it green, but it is only in a plant cell. Animal cells do not have chlorophyll.