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Q: What function return the number of entries in a range based on given criteria?
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It depends on the function in question.

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Can you use printf as a return value?

No, it is a function. But printf does return a value: the number of characters it has written.

What number will the function return if the input is 10.5?

Cannot be answered universally; it depends on the function.

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Don't know; you haven't shown the function

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What does printf function return?

Two possibilities: on success, it'll return the amount of characters printed. On failure, a negative number is returned.

How do you get Excel to stop calculating an IF function and lock in the value once a certain value has been met or after a certain number of calculations?

An IF function can only return one value. Once it finds a value that fits its criteria it does not continue. It is important that you construct a IF function correctly, particularly if it is a nested IF function, so that you get the correct result. If you do that, then issues around where it stops calculating are not a problem. It is simple to construct a nested IF function in the wrong way and it is a mistake a lot of people make.

How do you use return function?

return;orreturn ;PS: not function, statement!

What is return in programming?

The return statement is used in functions to return control to the caller. If the function is declared non-void, the return statement also allows the programmer to return a value to the caller.

Program to fnd the numbers are equal in Java script?

To test if two number are equal in JavaScript, we use the == operator and compare them. The below function test if two number (a and b) are equal. The function returns 1 if a is greater, -1 if b is greater, and 0 if the numbers are of equal value. function isEqualTo( a, b ){ if ( a > b ){ return 1; } if (b > a ){ return -1; } return 0; }

Does the NUMBER function return the number of cells in the range indentified in the argument contain data?

No. In Excel you would use the COUNT function to do it, or possibly the COUNTA or COUNTIF, depending on exactly what you were trying to do.