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Q: What functional group plays a major role in energy transfer?
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alkene, alcohol, ester, and ether. Chem major

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well cheese balls transfer the energy while chickens transfer the nutrients and so thats the major difference

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The major functional region for Ohio is the Bluegrass region. There is also the military region which is considered to functional in Ohio.

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What is chemo specific reaction in chemistry?

A chemospecific reaction is one where a reaction occurs at only one functional group but not another, e.g. the oxidation of a primary alcohol but not a secondary alcohol. Chemoselective is a related term which indicates a preference of one functional group over another; both reactions may occur, but there will be a major and a minor product.

What are the differences between ortho hydrogen and para hydrogen?

Positioning around a benzene ring relative to the major functional group. Para is opposite, ortho is next to, meta is in between.

Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?

phosphate groups, they are a component of ATP

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it is "atp"Adenosine-5'-triphosphate is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme. It is often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer.

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There is a major difference between formal and functional regions. Formal regions are huge areas that are characterized by many activities. A functional region is a region that serves other regions, like major cities serving rural areas.

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