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Q: What fungus acts as a facultative parasite?
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What is the difference between obligate and facultative parasites?

An obligate parasite can only live inside a cell. This includes viruses and intracellular bacteria. A facultative parasite can live inside or outside of a cell.

What are obligate parasites?

A parasite that cannot lead an independent nonparasitic existence, in contrast to facultative parasite.

What are facultative pathogens?

A facultative parasite is a parasitic organism who does not absolutely rely on any host for completion of its life cycle. At times it may resort to saprophytic mode of nutrition.

What is an organism that absorbs food from the surface it lives on?

fungus hey people this answer is the perfect answer for the progam a+

What Organism Depends On Its Host For Survival While Causing It Harm?

This is called a parasite. They can be a fungus such as ringworm or toenail fungus. They can be bacteria that cause disease such as cholera, pneumonia or the plague. They also can be tapeworms.

What fungus that is a parasite might feed a on a?

The chemicals of living organisms

Is a scarlet cup fungus a parasite?

No, it's a fungus that grows on decaying wood and is categorized as part of the Pezizomycetes class. Since it obtains nourishment from a dead "host," it can't be classified as a parasite.

What does parasite mean in Latin?

parasite means a fungus who takes something from the source, but does not give back.. its a non simbiotic relationship

Why is the animal or plant in which a parasite causes disease called a host?

Because, the animal acts as a host for the parasite. Also, the parasite acts as a guest so it's only right that the animal/plant is called the host.

What is one type of parasitism?

Symbiotic. Where the parasite returns something in exchange for living off the host. One of the most common forms of symbiotic parasite relationships is certain types of tree fungus. It derives all it's nutrition from the tree but in exchange protects the tree from certain types of insects. The fungus would not survive with out the tree but the tree would survive without the fungus. The fungus gives the tree something in return for it's survival therefore it is a symbiotic parasite.

Is the Swine Flu a fungus or a parasite?

Neither. The H1N1/09 "Swine Flu" is caused by a virus.

This organism feeds on other organisms?

its stalk acts like a root, obtaining the nutrients it needs like any other fungus