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Q: What gas gives a taste or smell of plastic in a patient room?
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What is the smell of oxygen?

oxygen it has no colour, taste or smell.

What is smell and taste mean?

Smell and taste are 2 of the 5 senses we humans have: smell, taste, hear, sight, and feel. Guess what? You use your nose to smell and tongue to taste. Surprise, surprise.

Does taste or smell develop first in a baby?

I guess smell. What is there to taste?

Is taste really smell?

No, taste and smell are very related though

What chemical gives nutmeg it's smell and taste?

A branch of Organic Chemistry is called Aromatics for good reason!

What does a computer smell and taste like?

A computer is fortunately not edible however based on it's components it would most likely taste like a lot of plastic at first and as you move further into it small metal pieces. As for the smell it's pretty bland unless you spilled something on it or if it's burning up on the inside.

Does a pure vodka have a taste or smell?

Just the smell and taste of ethanol itself.

Is gritty a taste or a smell?


Why did you lose your taste buds after a cold?

Smell is a large part of taste. If you can't smell, things will taste differently.

How does your sense of tast affect your sense of smell?

Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.

How are jellyfish capable of smell taste?

jelly fish are capable of smell and taste by its tentacles

How can the sense of taste protect you?

Sight, smell, and taste all work together to protect the body. When we smell rancid food, we know not to eat it. Bacteria gives off proteins as it breaks down foods, which gives off a distinct odor. About the only time sight, smell, and taste fail to detect bacterial poisons in meat are the natural juices of uncooked chicken. Also, some true chemical poisons have no odors.