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Q: What gas is produced when sodium and sulphuric react?
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Sodium chloride sulphuric acid?

Any reaction occur between these two reagents.

When dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules the gas produced is?

When sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules , the gas produced is hydrogen gas. Zinc displaces hydrogen from sulphuric acid.

What gas is produced when NaCl is added to water?

Sodium chloride is soluble in water but don't react with water.

Will sodium chloride react with oxygen gas?

Sodium chloride doesn't react with oxygen gas.

What happens if sodium reacts with sulphuric acid?

The sodium will react violently with the sulfuric acid, releasing hydrogen gas which is then ignited by the heat of the reaction. The reaction will also produce sodium sulfate, sodium bisulfate, or a mixture of the two depending on how much acid there is relative to the amount of sodium.

What acid does sodium combine with to make hydrogen gas?

Sodium will react with virtually any acid to produce hydrogen gas. However the heat produced by such a reaction usually ignites the hydrogen.

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What is observed when potassium bromide and sulphuric acid react?

H2 is formed which is a colourless gas but you can see bubbles. Br2 is also produced which is a dark orange/brown and turns the solution to this colour.

What is the product of sodium when it is react with water?

The products of sodium when it is react with water are Sodium Hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas plus heat.

What gas is produced when aluminum reacts with sodium hydroxide?

Hydrogen gas is produced.

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Decompose water with electrolysis, hydrogen gas and oxygen gas is formed. React water with sodium metal, hydrogen gas is formed. React magnesium metal with any acid, hydrogen gas is formed. React hydrochloric acid with calcium carbonate, carbon dioxide gas is formed.

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