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I believe hydrogen fuels all types of main stage stars.

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Q: What gas is the fuel for a red giant star?
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The star begins to run out of fuel and expands Into a red giant or red super giant?

No. That is when stars run out of hydrogen. They then have helium for fuel.

How does a star turn into a red giant?

A star turns into a red giant when it lose fuel and die. If a star isn't a massive star then it expands into a red giant. After that it becomes a white dwarf. If its massive then it collapses on itself and turns into a black hole.

What is an expanding star after exhausting its hydrogen fuel called?

A Red Giant or a Red Super Giant if it is very large.

When a main-sequence star has exhausted the fuel in its core it becomes a....?

I am pretty sure it becomes a giant if I'm not mistaken.

Which types of star has low temperature and high luminosity?

A red giant star.

Is red giant a star or a type of star?

Red giant is a type of star.

What is the next step after a red giant?

Learning about stars can be fun. A red giant star is a star with a mass like the Sun, after it runs out of fuel it can become a white dwarf or end as a supernova.

When a main sequence star runs out of hydrogen to fuel the core of which type of star begins to form?

red giant

When a main sequence star has the fuel in its core it becomes?

The next step in its life is to become a "red giant" star.

How is the red-giant formed?

A red giant forms when a star runs out of hydrogen fuel at its core and starts fusing hydrogen in a shell around the core the core. This causes the star to expand and cool.

When a main-sequence star has exhausted the fuel in its core it becomes a .?

The next step in its life is to become a "red giant" star.

How a star becames a white dwarf?

A white dwarf is the core of a dead star. As the star runs out of fuel, it expands into a red giant, as the shell of the red giant became a planetary nebula, and the core shrinks and became a white dwarf.