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Mostly Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen, but there are traces of other gasses as well, such as Argon, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen.

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Q: What gasses would an alien on Mars breathe?
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Does Mars have any gasses?

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If we lived on Mars would we be aliens?

Anybody born on Mars would be considered an alien to those living on Earth

Why would it not be possible to breath on Mars?

The earth has a very thin layer of life-sustaining gasses (known as the atmosphere) surrounding it, mars does not.

What part of mars is aliens interested in visiting?

no part of mars is worth visiting alien or no alien

Its true that the mars had a red man or alien?

if you are wondering mars could have a red man or alien but it is unlikley to get a red man and alien.

if other live forms existed, how would they breathe and what air would they need to survive?

I think they would breathe with carbon dioxide and would live on mars.

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I would probably live on Mars with my alien besties.

Is there alien life on Mars?

at the moment, there are no signs of life. There could be but most like there isnt. If there are Martians on Mars, they would be natives.

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Can you build on Mars?

Yes mars is solid and not made of some gasses. The only problem is to get your materials to mars and building it.

What does an alien drink on mars?
