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There are no Gods in Buddhism. We do not believe in any immortal, all-knowing gods.

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What are Buddhist gods?

Some Buddhists believe in gods, some don't .Gods are not defined in Buddhist scriptures.

Do Buddhists worship their ancestors?

Buddhists do not worship their ancestors or any gods. They might revere their ancestors for being good people or good examples..

Do Buddhist people believe in one God or many Gods?

Buddhism does not focus on belief in a singular God or multiple Gods. Instead, it emphasizes principles such as the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path to achieve enlightenment and liberation from suffering. Buddhism's teachings revolve around the concept of karma, rebirth, and the path to end the cycle of suffering (samsara).

What are some things that Hinuism has and Buddhism doesn't?

Hindu people has their gods and goddesses while the Buddhists has their god Buddha , Buddhists believe more on what Buddha taught when he is still alive.. Hindu worships many gods and goddesses..

What are Buddhism's deities?

In Traditional Buddhism, Buddhists only believe in Buddha ; they do not have any gods.

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I think it is either the Buddhists or the Hindus. Not positive though......

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Are Buddhist's polytheistic or monotheistic?

Buddhists have no gods, therefore they are neither monotheists or polytheists. They are non-theist.

Is buhddhism a polytheist or monotheist?

Buddhists have no gods, therefore they are neither monotheists or polytheists. They are non-theist.

What do Buddhists think about 'everyone should thank the gods for their food'?

Well, in Buddhism, our focus is more on the idea of self appreciation. We believe that if you do a good deed, such as giving thanks to the gods, we are not only pleasing the gods, but we are simply pleasing ourselves as well (but Buddhists are generally atheist and do not believe in God (s), but I'm a Catholic-Buddhist).

What does Buddhism worship?

Buddhism does not worship anything, though there is a tendency amongst modern buddhists (especially western buddhists) to idolaze Buddha Siddhartha. The Buddhists do venerate wisdom and what they called "Right Action" via the 8 fold path, but they do not have any gods.

Who are the main gods for Buddhism?

We Buddhists believe in no immortal, all-powerful deities, not even the Buddha, who was just a man.