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Personally, I prefer male hamsters because they seem much more calmer and tamable than females. I have had hamsters for many years, and have always gotten males. Just for the heck of it, one day I got a female. She was very aggressive, not very tamable, and not nice. So I would go with a male hamster!

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Related questions

What is the gender of a pregnant hamster?

A pregnant hamster, by definition, must be female.

Is the word hamster masculine of feminine?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun 'hamster' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female of the species.The gender specific noun for a female hamster is doe.The gender specific noun for a male hamster is buck.

Is a thin hamster a female and a fat hamster a male hamster?

The hamster's size has no bearing on gender. A hamster that eats a lot and doesn't get much exercise, will get gat.

Should I buy your dwarf hamster a hamster friend or not?

They might cause a fight, if same gender, If not the same gender, the they will (most likely) have babies, and when a female hamster has babies, you have to help the babies come out. And if you touch the hamster babies AT ALL, the mother will eat them. I don't recommend buying another hamster.

Can you tell a hamster is a boy or a girl by its fur?

No. You can only tell a hamster's gender by a DNA test or the other generally used method fortelling any animal's gender.

Is a brown teddy bear hamster a female?

a brown teddy bear hamster cam be a girl or a boy, if you don't no what the gender is go to the vet or the store from where you got it see what gender it is .

What hamster is better Roborovski hamster or winter Wight hamster?

I prefer winter white.

What gender is Hamtaro?

Hamtaro is a male hamster.

Is a bear hamster better than any other hamster to have as a pet?


Do you have to cook the vegetables before feeding it to a hamster?

No, it is better for the hamster if they are raw.

What is better - a cat or a dog or a hamster?

cat then dog

What should you do if a hamster is bored in its cage?

Buy it a bigger and better cage or get it a hamster ball.