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Benedict Arnold

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Q: What general began spying for the british during the American revolution?
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What did General Clinton do during the American Revolution?

Henry Clinton was a British General in the American Revolution. He was against the Americans.

Who was the American General who joined the British during the American Revolution?

Benedict Arnold.

What general had the distinction of being both an American general and a British general during the American Revolution?

Benedict Arnold?

Who was the general that switched sides to help the British during the American Revolution?

Benedict Arnold.

What contributions did Charles Cornwallis make during the American revolution?

he was the British general of the British army, and surrendered at Yorktown.

Who was general for the continental army during the American revolution and then an officer in the British army?

Benedict Arnold

What role did George Washington have during the American Revolution?

As Commanding General of the Continental Army, he defeated the British, winning American independence

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Americans called the British "Red Coats" or "Regulars" during the American Revolution.

Who were the British leaders in the revolution?

King George III is the British leader during The American Revolution.

Who has a name that starts with the letter o in the American Revolution?

Brigadier General Charles O'Hara was a British army officer who led British forces during the war.

What nationality were the Loyalists during the American Revolution?

They were the british.