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General in Chief George B. McClellan directed the largest amphibious operation of its kind in January of 1862. Under the command of General Ambrose Burnside, 13,000 troops left Annapolis, Maryland and connected with a US naval fleet of 20 gunboats under the command of Louis Goldsborough. In early February, Burnside's troops were shielded by the navy gunboats and captured Roanoke Island off the North Carolina coast. Burnside's troops were then able to capture New Bern, which was the town on the Atlantic coast where the second largest harbor in North Carolina was located. Wilmington being the larger one.

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Q: What general directed what became the Union's largest amphibious operation in 1862?
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The largest amphibious invasion of WWII was D-Day. Also known as Operation Overlord. It took place on June 6th, 1944. Might want to search it up.


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Operation Overlord. The largest amphibious operation in history.

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No, while Operation Overlord (the Allied landings at Normandy) is the largest amphibious invasion in history with over 156,000 invading troops taking part in the landing, Operation Barbarossa (the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941) is the largest overall invasion in history, involving 4,500,000 troops and nearly resulting in the captures of Moscow and Leningrad.

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i dont know proabley 1944

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D day June 6th 1944. 5 beaches: Gold Juno Sword Omaha & Utah. The largest amphibious operation in history.

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