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Q: What general served during the Mexican war and created the union plans?
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Franklin Pierce served as brigadier in this war?

Pierce served as a brigadier general in the Mexican War.

Name some women who served during the mexican war?

Sergeant Leigh Ann Hester and Deborah Samson are some of the women who served during the Mexican war.

Who was Ulysses S. Grant general in the Mexican war?

He served under General Zachary Taylor .

Who was the general served during the Mexican War and created Union plans?

the Chinese (New Respondent) Sounds like Winfield Scott. He guessed that it would be a long war, and devised a strategy of slow stragulation of the Confederacy, ridiculed as the Anaconda Plan.

Robert E Lee was wounded during what Mexican-American War battle?

Robert E. Lee was not wounded during the Mexican-American War. He served in the conflict as a staff officer under General Winfield Scott and was not injured in battle.

What war did Franklin Pierce serve in?

Pierce served as a brigadier general in the Mexican War.

What hobbies did pancho villa have?

he did a lot of great things and for you Mexican haters back off we all know you just jealous

Civil War General who was also a General in the Mexican American War?

Winfield Scott was both a US General Officer in the Mexican American and Civil Wars. Sterling Price became a Brigadier General after the Taos Revolt during the Mexican American War and was a Major General of the Confederate States Army during the US Civil War. There was also John Ellis Wool who, when the Civil War began had been a Brigadier General for twenty years and had been in uniform for 49 years. He was the oldest General Officer on either side during the US Civil war at the age of 77. He got his second star during the Civil War.

Was General Braxton Bragg or General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican-American War?

Braxton Bragg and Zachary Taylor served in the Mexican American War. Taylor was a general officer and Bragg was advanced in rank by Brevet to Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel during the two years of the Mexican American War. He became a Major General in the Louisiana Militia on 20 February 1861 and was made a Brigadier General in the Confederate States Army on 7 March 1861 and on 6 April 1862 he became one of the seven Generals of the Confederacy.

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Joseph Joffre was a famous French general who served during the First World War. He served in the military from 1871 to 1919.

Which president served in Mexican war?

Three. Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, US Grant. In addition, the future Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, also served in Mexico.