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Cations are always smaller than the atoms from which they form

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Q: What general statement can be made regarding the ionic radii of cations having the same number of electrons but a different number of protons?
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Do anions and cations share electrons during ionic bonding?

Yes anions and cations share electrons. Anions gain electrons and cations loose electrons.

Which statement is true regarding the solubility of salts ionic solids in water?

Both cations and anions are soluble in water (Study Island answer)

How many valence electrons do all the cations have when they bond?

This number is different for each cation.

Cations form when an atom gains electrons?

Cations are positive ions, so an atom is supposed to lose electrons to become a cation. Anions are formed when an atom gains electrons.

What are metal cations?

Cations are ions with a positive charge. Metal cations are formed when metal loses electrons.

How are cations produced?

Cations are positively charged species and are formed when elements lose electrons.

How does a cation form?

Cations form when atoms lose electrons, they gain a positive charge as a result.

Cations and anions similar?

No, cations have a positive charge and have lost electrons. Anions have a negative charge and have gained electrons. In an ionic compound anions and cations attract each other due to opposite charges.

Elelments that have a full outer shell of electrons are cations?

No. Elements that have a full outer shell of electrons are referred to as being stable. Cations are electrons that have a positive charge. However, when elements lose electrons to become stable, they are called cations.

Cations are formed by?

cations are positively charged ions formed by loss of electrons from the neutral atoms having 1,2,3 electrons in the outermost orbit

Cations are formed when neutral atoms lose?

Yes, they loose electrons : e-

Why are cations smaller than parent ions?

Cations and their parent atoms have the same number of protons in the nucleus but different numbers of electrons. As cations have less number of electrons, the effective nuclear charge increases and as such,the remaining electrons are more tightly bound by the nucleus. Thus, cations are smaller in size compared to their parent atoms.