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Q: What generalization can you make about the trend in electonegativity as atomic number increases in a period?
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What happens to the number of electrons in an atom when the atomic number increases?

The atomic number is specific to the element itself - not the quantity. It does not change as you add in more of the element.

The atomic number increases but the atomic mass stays the same?

The atomic number increases but the atomic mass stays the same after the emission of a beta particle by a radioactive atom.

How does atomic radius increases in the periodic table?

atomic radius increases down a group as the number of shells increases

What physical trends for atomic number versus covalent radius?

Overall as atomic number increases covalent radius increases.

Why nuclear charge increases when atomic number increases across a period?

Atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus. The higher the number the higher the nuclear charge

What increases on the periodic table?

The atomic number increases. The atomic number identifies a particular element and the elements are arranged in increasing order on the periodic table. Also, the atomic weight generally increases as well.

As you travel down a group the do atomic size increases or decreases?

it increases: for the atomic number indicates the number of protons and neutrons in the atom; these are the weight carrying particles

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Towards the bottom of the periodic table does the atomic mass increase or decrease?

Towards the bottom, atomic mass increases. Atomic number also increases.

The number of neutrons is equal to the atomic number true or false?

False as a generalization but true for some isotopes. The atomic number is the number of protons in a nucleus, which may coincidentally be the same as the number of neutrons but is not required to be.

What happens to the electron configuration as the atomic number increases?

the elctron configuration increases

What happens to the atomic number as you move across a period?

.The atomic mass increases